class: center middle main-title section-title-4 # Interactivity .class-info[ **Session 11** .light[PMAP 8921: Data Visualization with R<br> Andrew Young School of Policy Studies<br> Fall 2024] ] --- name: outline class: title title-inv-7 # Plan for today -- .box-6.medium.sp-after[Making interactive graphics] -- .box-2.medium.sp-after[Sharing content] --- layout: false name: interactive-graphs class: center middle section-title section-title-6 animated fadeIn # Making interactive graphics --- layout: true class: title title-6 --- # Three general methods .box-inv-6.medium[Single plots with {plotly}] .box-6.small.sp-after[Easy!] -- .box-inv-6.medium[Dashboards with {flexdashboard}] .box-6.small.sp-after[Slightly more complicated] -- .box-inv-6.medium[Complete interactive apps with Shiny] .box-6.small[Super complicated!] --- # Single plots with plotly .box-inv-6[[Plotly]( is special software for<br>creating interactive plots with JavaScript] -- .box-inv-6.sp-after[No knowledge of JavaScript needed!] -- .box-6[`ggplotly()` in the {plotly} R package translates<br>between R and Javascript for you!] --- # Plotly .left-code[ ``` r library(gapminder) library(plotly) gapminder_2007 <- filter(gapminder, year == 2007) my_plot <- ggplot( data = gapminder_2007, mapping = aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp, color = continent)) + geom_point() + scale_x_log10() + theme_minimal() ``` ``` r ggplotly(my_plot) ``` ] .pull-right.small-code[
] --- # Plotly tooltips .left-code[ ``` r my_plot <- ggplot( data = gapminder_2007, mapping = aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp, color = continent)) + * geom_point(aes(text = country)) + scale_x_log10() + theme_minimal() ``` ``` r *interactive_plot <- ggplotly( * my_plot, tooltip = "text" *) *interactive_plot ``` ] .pull-right.small-code[
] --- # Works with most geoms! .left-code[ ``` r car_hist <- ggplot(mpg, aes(x = hwy)) + geom_histogram(binwdith = 2, boundary = 0, color = "white") ``` ``` r ggplotly(car_hist) ``` ] .pull-right.small-code[
] --- # Save as HTML .box-inv-6[Save a self-contained HTML version of it with<br>`saveWidget()` in the {htmlwidgets} R package] ``` r # This is like ggsave, but for interactive HTML plots htmlwidgets::saveWidget(interactive_plot, "fancy_plot.html") ``` --- # Fully documented .box-inv-6[The [documentation]( for ggplot2 + plotly is full of<br>examples of how to customize everything] .box-inv-6[Rely on that ↑ + Google to make<br>really fancy (and easy!) interactive plots] --- # Three general methods .box-inv-6.medium[Single plots with {plotly}] .box-6.small.sp-after[Easy!] -- .box-inv-6.medium[Dashboards with {flexdashboard}] .box-6.small.sp-after[Slightly more complicated] --- # Dashboards with {flexdashboard} .box-inv-6[Use basic R Markdown to build a dashboard!] .center[ <figure> <img src="img/11/flexdashboard-simple.png" alt="flexdashboard simple layout" title="flexdashboard simple layout" width="80%"> </figure> ] --- # Dashboards with {flexdashboard} .box-inv-6[Make any kind of block arrangement] .center[ <figure> <img src="img/11/flexdashboard-complex.png" alt="flexdashboard complex layout" title="flexdashboard complex layout" width="75%"> </figure> ] --- # Dashboards with {flexdashboard} .box-inv-6[Add other elements like text and gauges] .center[ <figure> <img src="img/11/value-boxes.png" alt="flexdashboard value boxes" title="flexdashboard value boxes" width="80%"> </figure> <figure> <img src="img/11/gauges.png" alt="flexdashboard gauges" title="flexdashboard gauges" width="80%"> </figure> ] --- # Example dashboards .center[ <figure> <img src="img/11/flexdashboard-example.png" alt="flexdashboard simple example" title="flexdashboard simple example" width="80%"> <figcaption><a href="" target="_blank">ggplot2 geoms</a></figcaption> </figure> ] --- # Example dashboards .center[ <figure> <img src="img/11/flexdashboard-heatmap.png" alt="flexdashboard heatmap example" title="flexdashboard heatmap example" width="80%"> <figcaption><a href="" target="_blank">NBA scoring</a></figcaption> </figure> ] --- # Example dashboards .center[ <figure> <img src="img/11/utah-covid.png" alt="Utah's COVID-19 dashboard" title="Utah's COVID-19 dashboard" width="90%"> <figcaption><a href="" target="_blank">Utah's COVID-19 dashboard</a></figcaption> </figure> ] --- # Outstanding documentation .box-inv-6[The [documentation]( for {flexdashboard} is<br>full of examples and details of everything you can do] .box-inv-6[Rely on that ↑ + Google to make<br>really fancy (and easy!) dashboards!] --- # Three general methods .box-inv-6.medium[Single plots with {plotly}] .box-6.small.sp-after[Easy!] .box-inv-6.medium[Dashboards with {flexdashboard}] .box-6.small.sp-after[Slightly more complicated] -- .box-inv-6.medium[Complete interactive apps with Shiny] .box-6.small[Super complicated!] --- # Shiny .box-inv-6.medium[Shiny is a complete web application framework for interactive statistics] -- .box-inv-6.sp-after[It's super complex and hard for beginners] -- .box-6.medium[I've never made a standalone Shiny app!] .box-6.small[(And I don't plan on trying anytime soon)] --- # Lots of resources to help start .box-inv-6[RStudio has [a whole website for helping you get started](] .center[ <figure> <img src="img/11/shiny-getting-started.png" alt="Getting started with Shiny" title="Getting started with Shiny" width="50%"> <figcaption><a href="" target="_blank">Getting started with Shiny</a></figcaption> </figure> ] --- # Really neat examples! .center[ <figure> <img src="img/11/isee-shiny.png" alt="iSEE" title="iSEE" width="65%"> <figcaption><a href="" target="_blank">iSEE (interactive SummarizedExperiment Explorer)</a></figcaption> </figure> ] --- # Really neat examples! .center[ <figure> <img src="img/11/covid-shiny.png" alt="COVID-19 tracker" title="COVID-19 tracker" width="65%"> <figcaption><a href="" target="_blank">COVID-19 tracker</a></figcaption> </figure> ] --- # Really neat examples! .center[ <figure> <img src="img/11/lego-shiny.png" alt="Living in the LEGO world" title="Living in the LEGO world" width="65%"> <figcaption><a href="" target="_blank">Living in the LEGO world</a></figcaption> </figure> ] --- # flexdashboard + Shiny .box-inv-6[You can [use reactive Shiny things in flexdashboards](<br>without building a complete Shiny app!] .box-6.small[I *have* done this] .center[ <figure> <img src="img/11/why-donors-donate.png" alt="Why Donors Donate" title="Why Donors Donate" width="45%"> </figure> ] --- layout: false name: sharing-content class: center middle section-title section-title-2 animated fadeIn # Sharing content --- layout: true class: title title-2 --- # What do you do after you knit? .box-inv-2[When knitting to PDF or Word, you make a standalone file] .box-2.small.sp-after[E-mail it, message it, Slack it, whatever] -- .box-inv-2[When knitting to HTML, you make a website] -- .box-2.small[By default it's a standalone `.html` file with graphics embedded,<br>so you can still e-mail it, etc., but it can get huge if there are lots of images] -- .box-2.small[Standalone files won't work well if there's anything interactive] -- .box-2.small[You can also post it online!] --- # Places to put HTML documents .box-inv-2[[RPubs]( for knitted HTML documents] -- .box-2.small.sp-after[Built in to RStudio; works with ggplotly!] .center[ <figure> <img src="img/11/publish-document.png" alt="Publish document button" title="Publish document button" width="20%"> </figure> ] -- .box-inv-2[[RPubs]( or []( for flexdashboards] -- .box-inv-2[Your own web server for anything, if you have one]